Sunday Worship:

Weekly Sunday worship is at 10am. If you would rather follow the service from home we are now live streaming via Zoom.

We are blessed to have a good number of children and young people of all ages.We have nursing chairs at the back of the church for nursing parents with babies.

Next Ignite - Worship Night service - We are re-launching on a Sunday evening at 5.30pm. All are welcome

We next meet on 25th May 2025.

Ignite is our contemporary worship night and all ages are welcome. There’s Dominoes pizza and other refreshments after the service.

Future Dates : 25th May, 27 July and 21 September 2025

Haslemere Ventures Youth Holiday Update

We are so glad that the Venture Residential's could run this year, as we missed them so much last year. The weather was good and the atmosphere was brilliant. Everyone was able to make new friends, explore their Christian faith more and have loads of fun. We went boating, swimming, played sports, did tye dye, attended helpful workshops, sang, danced and more. These camps are so worth attending, so if you’d like to know more about them, please follow this link: